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Last Updated: 14th May 2021

【2021年5月14日更新】英國政府己把LOTR 的申請截止日期延長至2021年6月21日

根據2021年1月29日,英國政府公佈有關BNO 簽證的最新消息.


  • 從2月23日起,BN(O) 身份持有人,及其合資格家庭成員,若持有的護照是有生物特徵的BN(O) 護照,香港特別行政區護照,或歐盟(EEA) 護照,均可以安坐家中使用手機應用程式掃瞄其護照,並完成整個簽證申請程序,而不必去簽證中心申請。


Applicants for the visa with certain biometric passports will also be able to apply from home using a smartphone app to scan their passport rather than having to visit a visa application centre.

From 23 February, BN(O) status holders and their eligible family members who hold a biometric BN(O), Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or European Economic Area (EEA) passport can scan their passport on the app and complete their application from home. They will be the first non-EEA citizens to be able to do so.



  • 從2020年7月15日起到今年1月13日,有大約7000名BNO持有人,及其家屬成功申請LOTR 入境,此類BNO 持有人不用立即申請新的BNO 簽證, 英國政府決定延長LOTR可以申請的時間, 直到BNO 簽證申請全面電子化。// 簡單來說,更多的申請人可以通過LOTR來英國,在英國境內申請。

From 15 July 2020 to 13 January 2021, approximately 7,000 BN(O) status holders and their dependents have been granted Leave Outside the Rules at the border. BN(O) status holders will not need to apply for the new route straight away. We have made the decision to extend the Leave Outside the Rules at the border scheme until after the route becomes fully digital.





若有其他關於BNO 簽證,或其他簽證問題,歡迎聯絡我們